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Monday, August 30, 2010

Word of Advice

In conjunction with Malaysia's 53rd Independence Day I would like to add a little chat for the evening. In less than 12 hours, at midnight of 31 August 2010 and at the same time we will repeat the historical events of Independence of Malaysia to raise the Jalur Gemilang followed by singing the national anthem, NegaraKu.

But often, we see the bias that occurs in society. Things that need to be corrected. Items to be improved. Things that need attention.

Recently we've heard many issues about the moral collapse. Relationships outside of marriage and produce children. Crime is rampant. Neighbors don't recognize each other. Lack of respect for older people. Hatred and disrespect the leaders of religion, race and nation, and much more.

Frankly sometimes I even do something wrong. An individual would not have been perfect except Allah's wills. Always need to be improved from time to time.

Even if we are buying a very beautiful, luxurious and strong house, if not properly maintained and restored, it will never last long and be in bad shape.

If I told the above stories one by one, you'll be tired to read and I'll be tired to write it down. Therefore, I choose just one topic for today in conjunction with Malaysia's 53rd Independence Day.

There are a few among our society that has lack of the sense of love, compassion and protect our nation's dignity. What is more sad is, that few people are Malaysians who cultivate hatred and disrespect for the leaders, religion, race and nation.

For example, not long before there are videos on the YouTube and several other video sharing network on the internet broadcast our national anthem, Negaraku,  is purposely sung inverted and modified to create dissatisfaction in the audience.

Latest of all, the death of His Royal Highness Sultan Iskandar, there is a man who spoken words that should not be referred to by the citizens even if he's from different states of Malaysia though. We are still a citizen of the country even though we were born or lived in different states.

This was a clear show of disrespect to the leader who led the people of various races and religions. No matter what race or religion even if the respect is still there, it will not happen chaos and we'll live in more harmonious life in accordance with the theme taken by Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, 1 Malaysia.

Often we hear and see the theme, but the question is, are we appreciating it..?

If in Johor, every time mentioned in the Friday sermon there is a sermon marked at the beginning and it is very important to give attention.

"Taatlah kepada Allah
Taatlah kepada Rasul
dah orang-orang yang berkuasa di kalangan kamu.
Jika berbantah-bantah atau berselisihan pada suatu perkara
maka kembalilah kepada Al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasulnya.
Yang demikian adalah lebih baik untuk kamu
dan lebih elok pula kesudahannya."

"Obey God
Obey the Messenger
those already in authority among you.
If a dispute or disagreement on a matter
then returned to the Al-Quran and the Sunnah of His Prophet.
That is good for you
and more suitable for final determination."

The third matter is obey authority among you. Not limited to only national leaders and others. As well as to parents, teachers, elderly and others because they are more experienced and better educated and more empowered by the authority or organization other than yourself. Also mentioned here is a sense of humility is important.

Therefore, the conclusion can I do for my writing here; we should always respect each other regardless of race, religion or citizens of other countries.

Allegiance of law and the instructions given by the authorities no matter wherever you are. Even if a person is working as security guards at the office though, should be respected and his order followed because he was on duty and given authority in the area under his custody. Guards should also respect others for him to be respected and revered. Similarly, people working in other sector regardless of what.

If there is something wrong, comment in a better way and never insult or using words or actions that may offend others.

In countries such as Malaysia's with multiple races in the society there are three main things that can not be tampered with. That matter is race, religion and the Malay Sultans. Therefore, let us be together and improve our respect to each other to ensure the independence of our country will remain.

This article is translated using Google Translate. Please correct me if there's anything wrong in the text. Thank you.

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