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Saturday, August 28, 2010

How fast can you go..?

Talking about speeding, do you know that your TNB meter installed in front of your house also can speed up..? Most of us don't care about it rather than having a little time to see the kw/h meter turning round and round.

Most of us just don't care. Each end of the month, open your mailbox, reach for the utility bills, sit infront of your computer, connect to your online banking service and pay your bill. Just the same like me each and every month. But now sometimes it really like to spend a few minutes looking at the service meter.

If your car can go faster when you press the throttle, this kw/h meter can also speed up when you use your appliances excessively.

Tenaga Nasional Berhad is the sole supplier of electricity here in Malaysia. So, each and every house in this country will receive TNB electricity bill each month. If your electricity bill is below RM20, you can sit back and relax because you don't have to pay for it. But, for consumers that uses more than RM20, TNB will charge your electricity usage with their expensive tariff. Easy to say, you use more, you need to pay more.

The question is, how many consumers in Malaysia is eligible for free electricity usage..? This means that want it or not, you need to pay your ordinary TNB charge.

The more you use, the higher your electricity tariff will be. So, if you would like to lower your monthly electricity bill keep on reading.

Change Your Light Bulb: If you're still using old type incandescent bulb, it's time to change it to a new fluorescent bulb. It generates low heat and best of all it can last longer and generates low heat. If you really like the yellowish colour, you can choose "warm white" type.

Use The Fan: Wind generated by fan can reduce your room temperature by a few degrees. But, don't forget to turn it off when you're not using it. If you want to use an air condition unit, set it to 29 or 30 degree Celsius (our climate's normal temperature).

Unplug:  Our gadget like phone chargers, microwave oven, washing machine, television and other entertainment set drain electricity even when in standby mode. So, unplug it..!

Look For Energy Smart Appliances: When you go for your next shopping for electrical appliances, make sure you look for appliances that uses less power with smart energy management or Energy Star Compliance.

Full Load Laundry: Only wash your dirty laundry when the load is full. This will reduce the use of electric, water and detergent.

Service Your Air Conditioner:  Don't just sit there. Clean up your air conditioner filter once a month. This will keep the filter clean and you air conditioner can work efficiently.

If you can manage to do it all, you can see significant change on your electricity bill for up to 30%. Doesn't it great. Just do it yourself. You can make the difference.

Thank you and please come again.. :)

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