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Friday, August 20, 2010

End of Tenancy Cleaning Dilemmas

"So you've kept written records about any property damage, you have an inventory statement; you've stuck to your rental agreement and been a model tenant. Now it is time to move out of your property and get your deposit back, however, there is one step left... Cleaning your property for future tenants. However, as a tenant this last step is not always clear. Fortunately for you there are a few rules of thumb to help you out.

All tenancy agreements have an end clause saying that at the conclusion of the occupancy, the tenant must pay to professionally clean the premises so the property can be rented to others. It is essential to complete this last step before vacating the premises. Failure to do so is a breach of contract and the landlord has the right to withhold the tenant's deposit if the latter fails to clean the property.

Though how do you avoid getting cheated by your Landlord when leaving your property and getting your deposit back? Sometimes there is a fine line between what you're responsible for and what you're not. To help you make the distinction there are a few points to think about that will allow you to understand your rights when cleaning your property.

1) Your landlord cannot keep your security deposit for "normal wear and tear". Examples of "normal wear and tear" are a scuffed finish on wooden floors, worn carpet and chipped or faded paint.

2) The landlord is allowed to withhold the cost of repairing damages beyond "normal wear and tear". Some examples of common damages include broken windows, pen marks or holes on the walls or leaving rubbish or other items that need to be disposed off. If you made the flat or apartment so dirty that it is unsanitary or dangerous, the landlord may subtract the cost of making it livable again from your deposit.

To help you clean your property there are many professional end of tenancy cleaning companies that specialise in end of tenancy cleaning. Each will guarantee a smooth exit from your former home and a bright entry into your new one at little cost

Cleaning your apartment doesn't have to be a chore. Just remember your rights in the two points above and contact a good tenancy cleaning company and you will be on your way to your next pad with deposit in hand and a smile on your face.

By: Alfred Halfnigh

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